Beloved, we are now children of God.
- John 3:1-2
Here at Saint Bernard Catholic Community, we understand how emotional planning a funeral can be. We offer our assistance by helping you in the religious planning of your loved one’s funeral.
Due to health guidelines, all masses are currently celebrated indoors with reduce capacity (87 attendees).
A memorial mass can also be celebrated at a later time once the restrictions have been lifted.
We ask that family members and friends attending follow all health guidelines.
To begin, you will need to contact the mortuary of your choice. All Souls in Long Beach is a Catholic cemetery & mortuary.
We also work with other mortuaries in the area.
Our Office
The mortuary will contact our office to schedule a date and time for mass. Once services have been scheduled, the mortuary will confirm the details with you and family.
Our Support
A bereavement minister from St. Bernard will contact you in planning the funeral mass.
More about our Bereavement Ministry below.
You can contact our Parish Musicians
Jill â€310 291 6511‬
or Judell 562 228 8137‬
Our Parish Bereavement Team
Our bereavement minister will schedule a date and time to meet before the services. We suggest inviting your loved ones who will be a part of the planning, or participate in the mass. This is also an opportunity to gather and talk of wonderful memories of your loved one, and plan the eulogy and go over the liturgical readings.