First Communion
The Eucharist is the true Body and Blood of Jesus Christ and the summit of the Church's life. Receiving the Body and Blood of Christ increases our union with the Lord. Be one in the Lord and take another step in your sacraments of initiation. The community of St. Bernard offers a two-year first communion program that plants the seeds to our children the importance of the Eucharist.
​Parents who wish to register their children for the program must be married by the Church. Godparents must be married by Church too.
Please complete the following:
Registration form completed in full, as well as be registered in the parish. When registering, checkmark Yes to receive envelopes.
Copy of the child's baptismal certificate. If child has not received Baptism, a copy of the child's birth certificate.
Payment in the full amount of $120.00 per child.
​If paying by check please make it out to St. Bernard Church.
If single, godparents must present baptismal, 1st communion and Confirmation certificates.
With the full support and seriousness from the parents/guardians, we are committed to a new way of sharing the faith in Jesus Christ, participating fully in the life of this community of St. Bernard. Our hope is the family will attend mass together on Sunday.
Once you receive envelopes, you can deposit them in the basket during the Sunday collection. That is how we will take your attendance.
Comply with the required service hours.
We may ask parents to attend a few meetings during the program.
Classes will begin on October 2. Registration is open! Yearly fee is $120.00 per child. An application can be picked up at the parish office during office hours, or filled out online. Please contact the Religious Education Director for more information:
For more information please contact:
Avelina Jiménez: Call/Text at 562-325-0757.
Email: fhcsacrament@gmail.com

Serving in Religious Education
Whether you're interested to be a catechist or an assistant, we are always looking for spirited volunteers! Our program usually runs from September through April, and have class once a month.
Please contact Avelina Jiménez to become a catechist.