Scam Alert
These emails pastor8171@gmail.com & rev.pastor.778@gmail.com claim to be Fr. Toribio asking for money and/or iTunes gift cards.
Please do not reply, do not click on any links, nor provide any kind of financial information. Always remember that Fr. Toribio will never text or email asking for money.

Light a Candle
St. Bernard will have a candle petition where a candle will be lit for the month of your choosing. A candle and a name will be lit for every mass of the month. The candle can be for anyone, living or deceased, or for yourself. Visit our Light a Candle page for more information and to submit a request.

Winter Schedule
We are indoors now!
We continue live-streaming in our Youtube channel.
Stay up to date and sign up to receive messages by text or email from the parish. Messages include events or changes made to mass and services.
Sign up on Flocknote.

Foam Kneelers
Come and purchase a St. Bernard foam kneeler! Whether you are attending outdoor mass, gardening, or could use a little cushion while praying, our foam kneelers will provide the support you need. Available to purchase in the parish office.
Thank you for your continued

Top Catholic Podcasts
Looking for spiritual growth during the pandemic?
Our Sunday Visitor published an article for the best podcasts to listen to for any age group with all genres such as church life, catholic conversations, faith formation, marriage, parenting and more. Click here to view the list.