With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
(Ephesians 4:2-3) 
Congratulations in taking the next step of becoming husband and wife in front of God, and loved ones. Saint Bernard Community would be honored in celebrating your matrimony.
To begin your process, please make an appointment as a couple with the priest to be interviewed. Please schedule an appointment six months to one year in advance of your wedding date.
Make an appointment with the parish priest at least six months before the desired date. The Priest will guide you through the prenuptial investigation and reserve the Mass date and time.
We ask that you bring a recent baptism certificate with marginal notes. This process is for both bride and groom.
To fulfill your sacramental life to the fullest, we ask that you have received the Sacrament of Eucharist (First Communion). If you have not received the Sacrament of Eucharistic, we ask that you enroll in our RCIA program.
Attend a Premarital Preparation Retreat. The Priest and Parish team will give you information after your meeting.
License to marry by the State of California or copy of the civil marriage. The Priest and Parish team will assist you where to obtain this license.
Each spouse must bring two witnesses (of legal age who have known them for the last five years), to complete the witness forms.

For weddings, we ask for a donation of $400.
The donation does not include music or flowers.
We encourage an additional $120 donation for our wedding coordinator who will be with you on the day of your wedding, as well as schedule a rehearsal prior to the wedding.
Musicians outside of the church are acceptable, as long as their music is respectful to the Catholic Church. We can also provide you with a list of our cantors.
For weddings held on Saturdays, Mass time could be between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm., depending on availability.
Requests for weddings to be celebrated during the week
require the permission of the pastor.
We do not celebrate weddings on Sundays.

Missing a sacrament? Join RCIA! It is a free class and can be taken during your preparation for marriage.
Click here to be directed to our RCIA page for more information.