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Writer's pictureSt. Bernard Team

The Gift of Soup Night!

Soup Night has been a Lenten tradition for St. Bernard community. It is one way we maintain a community whose generosity delivers hope to those who are hungry. It is also our way of keeping things simple to get in touch with our own spiritual selves and gain a deeper relationship with God.

We are having soup night again this year, curbside mode. You are welcome to partake of a delicious, homemade soup which will be packed for you to go. Every Wednesday beginning February 24 until March 24, from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m., we will serve your soup hot and ready to eat when you get home. Stations will be posted on Beach Street in front of the friendship hall, and by the pedestrian gate of the school lunch area.

Proceeds will help the pantry purchase food and hygiene items for those who need them. Your participation is needed and greatly appreciated!


Volvemos a tener la Noche de Sopa, esta vez tipo Drive-Thru. Le invitamos a participar de una deliciosa sopa casera. Todos los miércoles de Cuaresma desde las 5:00- 7:00p.m. estaremos sirviendo sopa caliente para llevar. Estaremos ubicados en la acera frente al salon chico (Friendship Hall) en la calle Beach. Después de la misa, también en la puerta de salida.

Las ganancias ayudarán al dispensario a comprar alimentos y artículos de higiene para quienes los necesiten. Su participación es necesaria y muy apreciada!



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